Friday, September 08, 2006

Yipee! A Celebrity Endorsement

Some of you may already know that Robbie Williams is currently on the Leeds leg of his UK tour. The former Take-That pop act will be performing infront of 90,000, all of whom have paid a sizeable amount of money to stand in public space tonight and tomorrow night, as well as a fairly sizeable TV audience.

Now normally, that wouldn't have anything to do with me, or me being at work on Wednesday, but this time was a bit different.
For any of you going to Robbie's concerts this weekend, look out for some of these. They'll be 200 of the buggers scattered around Roundhay Park.

I'm no real Robbie Williams fan, some of his stuff isn't bad but I wouldn't buy tickets to his show (although my boss did manage to blag two free tickets for tonight) but as celebrity endorsements go, surely that's up there with the best? Obviously, Mr Williams himself didn't come in and by them, it was one of 'his people' but still, it made a dull day slightly more interesting.

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