Thursday, April 05, 2007

A bit too far

Last night's Roma vs Manchester United clash in the UEFA Champions League will, of course, be remembered for all the wrong reasons.

Manchester United supporters clashed with the Polizia in the Olympic Stadium, with UEFA promising to investigate last nights violence.

The overall culprits are up for debate. The focus for most blame at the moment is on the local constabulary and their heavy-handed methods, although it's also fair to say that both clubs have form when it comes to crowd trouble.

I wasn't at the game and, like most, I can only draw my own conclusions from the pictures transmitted to my television set. What I did see though was a member of the Roma riot police beating seven shades of the proverbial out of a Manchester United supporter by repeatidly striking him over the head with a baton whilst he lay semi-concious on the floor. I'll leave you to draw your own conclusions.

But Manchester United's response has brought some cheap, mild amusement to an otherwise serious issue:

Yes, I know......

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