Friday, April 13, 2007

Party at my place!

You've all seen those teen movies, American Pie and the like, where the parents bugger off for a weekend and the kids are left with the house to themselves.

It's obvious what ensues. Pissed up teenagers tearing the house to shreds, police officers bursting through the door and neighbours complaining that they're being kept awake at some unearthly hour by rowdy adolecents. It even happened to Kevin & Perry.

So when you watch those films, you'd have to be pretty naive to advertise the fact that you've got the house to yourself and are holding a party at your gaff on mySpace. Unfortunately for one Durham couple, that's exactly what their 17-year old daughter did. The net result? 200 teenagers converging on one detached house in the North East for one-too-many alcopops.

The house has been turned upside down, with the damaged totalling around £20,000. Various objects, including a wedding dress, have been urinated on and almost every visible surface now looks like the ash-tray from a working mens club.

It was probably one of those "it seemed like a good idea at the time, what could go wrong?" sort of brainwaves. The family are now wanting to move home although I doubt their new address with come with a mySpace connection.

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