Monday, July 10, 2006

How Did I Do?

As the World Cup bandwagon gets packed up this morning to start it's journey out of Germany and into South Africa, let's visit my predictions one last time.

Overall, I've got two predictions absolutly spot on, which automatically makes me over-qualified to be a ITV Sports pundit. The others, the less said the better. One would be percieved as completely "out there" whilst the others were just down to the respective teams and players not being half as good as I first envisaged.

Anyway, whilst I may be no Nostradamus, I'm fairly happy with what I prophesied.

The one's I got right:
Germany to finish in third place,
Miroslav Klose to win the Golden Boot.

The one's I got not-so right:
Brazil to win it,
Czech Republic to be second,
Ronaldinho to be the player of the tournament,
England to packed up and back over here after the second round.

So a 33% success rate, I should be getting a call from BBC Sport anytime soon ;)

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