Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Yes tutor, we've spent lots of time in the pub.

Tomorrow I've got a presentation to give in my 'Sociological Apsects of Sport and Leisure' module.
Basically, it's to update the tutor on the progress of our coursework, which happens to be an observational research project into 'sport in a social setting' (or something along those lines).

After toying with a few ideas, my group have plumped for a study into the role and emergance of sports themed bars. Basically we're trying to find out who uses them and what they do.
To do that, we have to spend our time in pubs and bars - that's it!

So, tomorrow moring, I've got to stand up and say how many times in the last two weeks I've been to the pub!

Who says University students are just lazy, dossing wasters who do mickey mouse courses and spend all their time in the pub?......

Wait a minute.....

1 comment:

mark01856 said...

all students spend alot of time in the pub, me included