Sunday, December 16, 2007

Things that you notice in a major city centre

On Saturday afternoon, I had the misfortune to venture into Leeds city centre, not realising that said day also happened to be the major shopping day before Christmas.

But still, major shopping days happen to provide a source of mild amusement when you actually take a minute to look around. Here are a few that I spotted.

  • People naturally join a queue, despite not knowing what the queue is for.

  • Police truancy patrols are a very good idea, but I would question their effectiveness on a Saturday afternoon.

  • Every single motorist wants to park in 'The Light' car park.

  • In the German Christmas market, most shoppers will adopt one of two strategies.
    1. Talking to the stall owner in your best GCSE German.
    2. Talking in the "S-L-O-W-E-R AND L-O-U-D-E-R" method that Brits do so well when abroad.
    They do this despite the fact that the stall keeper is a Chinese boy with a distinctly unnerving Yorkshire accent.

  • People don't seem to understand that shops at Christmas are often busy places and continue to proclaim that "this is stupid this is" at single one of the 32 Christmas temps drafted in just for that particular weekend.
I'm sure I'll think of more later

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